Magnesium + Taurine is an advanced formula for improving overall cardiovascular health. Both magnesium and taurine appear to balance calcium levels in the heart.
Magnesium citrate appears to have superior bioavailability and intestinal absorption when compared to magnesium oxide. A commonly used form that has been extensively studied for numerous health conditions. This form is found in many supplements and remains a solid option for delivering magnesium into the body, however, since citrate is not actively absorbed (like an amino acid) it can still cause loose stools and digestive upset at higher doses.
Taurine is the second most common amino acid found in the body and has many different health benefits due to its ability to help stabilize cell membranes.
AOR Advantage
AOR’s Magnesium + Taurine provides a balanced amount of magnesium and taurine. This combination is based on compiled research showing that magnesium and taurine share many similar physiological functions, and that taurine can help fulfill the role of magnesium during deficiencies.