It’s that creepy-crawly feeling, when your legs itch and you have a compulsion to move, them especially while lying down, sleeping, or sitting still for long periods. During times like these, you can feel really isolated and frustrated.
Hyland’s Restful Legs offers relief for the uncontrollable urge to move your legs,* made with natural, active ingredients and no aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen or naproxen. Our gentle, safe medicine has no known drug interactions. There’s no need to suffer anymore!
- Calms agitated legs to help you rest.
- Safe & effective relief.
- All Natural and safe to use.
Active ingredients:
Active Ingredients Arsenicum Album 12X HPUS Lycopodium 6X HPUS Pulsatilla 6X HPUS Rhus Toxicodendron 6X HPUS Sulphur 6X HPUS Zinc Metallicum 12X HPUS
Should you require consultation with a pharmacist, you may contact us by phone during operating hours at 613-233-4029.
Additional product information can be found on the product by the manufacturer. Consult your pharmacist when purchasing if you have any concerns. Always keep products out of reach of children. To be sure this product is right for you, always read and follow the label.