Nurture your nervous system and reduce anxiety and mental and physical fatigue with Strest, our premier adrenal tonic, in capsule format.
- With six of the world's most important herbal adaptogens including ashwagandha and rholdiola
- Reduces mental and physical fatigue and anxiety
- Promotes a calm state of mind
- Relieves symptoms of stress and adrenal fatigue
Active ingredients:
Holy Basil (85 mg), Eleuthero (85 mg), Rhodiola (54.4 mg), Ashwagandha (54.4 mg), Milk Oats (40.8 mg), Schisandra (40.4 mg).
Should you require consultation with a pharmacist, you may contact us by phone during operating hours at 613-233-4029.
Additional product information can be found on the product by the manufacturer. Consult your pharmacist when purchasing if you have any concerns. Always keep products out of reach of children. To be sure this product is right for you, always read and follow the label.